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Below you will find out key 10 items we take on every hike!

Top 10 hiking essentials

Your hiking checklist will vary depending on the length of your hike, the weather forecast and also how remote the trail is. It can be difficult to know how much or how little to take, particularly if it’s only a day hike.

We’ve climbed the highest mountain in Ireland and one of the highest in Wales, amongst other peaks in Norway and Switzerland. We have found this checklist below to be most consistent in the essentials needed for a 2-hour hike or a 12-hour hike.

Remember this is just a basic checklist so ensure you’re checking the weather and trail conditions to reflect what else you may need to add. Weight is also a factor on a day hike as you don’t want to be lugging it all around – if you can divide the essentials amongst a couple of backpacks this would work best.


What to Pack on a Day Hike

1. Hiking boots

Hiking boots have been a game-changer for us. We’ve always worn Nike/Adidas runners and they’ve always done the job but proper hiking boots with high support and a solid tred on the bottom we think are essential.

2. Backpack

Depending on the hike – sometimes we’ll do a backpack between the two of us. But more often than not we will always have a backpack each to divvy the load up.

3. GoPro/Camera

We will always take some form of camera on our hikes. On the more adventurous hikes, the GoPro is awesome for capturing the wide angles and it’s easy to carry.

4. First aid kit

It’s important to ensure you’re prepared for anything that could happen whilst out on the hike. Whether that’s a headache, sprained ankle or just need a blanket to stay warm. A mini first aid kit should have everything you need.

5. Portable charger

We always carry a portable charger (or two) with us in general when we travel. But definitely make sure you have one when you set out on a lengthy hike – particularly in case of emergencies.

6. Waterproof gear

Even if the weather looks clear, always bring a rain jacket as you never know when bad weather will roll in. If you know for sure it’ll be rainy weather, we recommend to pack both waterproof pants and jacket – otherwise, we always carry a light-weight rain jacket. Also, bring a warm long sleeve fleece to throw on when the temperatures drop at the summit.

7. Head torch

Head torches may not always come to use but you may find yourself in a tricky situation and you never know when you may need some light.

8. Map

It’s always ideal to have a hard copy map of the area your hiking – just in case you don’t have service or you drop your phone etc.

You will be able to pick this up from any tourist information centre of the closest town your hiking from.

9. Spare pair of clothes

Always take a spare pair of socks as there is nothing worse than standing in a puddle or mud half-hour into your 4-hour hike. If the weather is also looking quite on the wet side, ensure to pack spare pants/sweatshirt.

10. Food & water

Even though this is #10 – this is the most important. Take a pre-made sandwich for lunch, along with fruit and muesli bars for snacks. We also like to take an energy drink and easily 5 litres of water.


We hope this packing list has helped you prepare for your next hike! If you have any queries or questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment and we’ll get back to you ASAP! Or, just simply let us know if this guide came in handy! 🙂

Happy hiking!



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